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Happenings in Netherlands,” Published 1 April 2016 online at the Rob Scholte Museum, The Netherlands,

"Why Are There No Death Bed Images of Schubert?" Published August 2016.

Han van Meegeren and His Book Teekeningen 1,” Published in 3 parts, March 30, 2016 online at the Rob Scholte Museum, The Netherlands,

Schubert in Film, Novels, and Anywhere Else You Can Think Of,” The Schubertian [SIUK], January 2016, 26-29.

"How Tall (or Short) was Franz Schubert?," The Schubertian [SIUK], September 2015, 12-19.

"Han van Meegeren and His Portraits of Theo van der Pas and Jopie Breemer.” Published 2013.

“From Shtetl to Park Avenue: I.N. Kugelmass, M.D. (1896-1979).” Published 2012.

Beautiful As the Moon.” Published 2012.

“Schubert in Poetry.” Published 2009-2011.

Picturing Winterreise: Franz Schubert's Song Cycle in Art.” Published 2009.

Schubert First Public Performances: A Timeline,” The Schubertian [SIUK], April 2009, 9-21.

"Into Oblivion: Julius Schmid, Artist.” Published 2009.

"Julius Schmid: Artwork Sources and Literature.” Published 2009.

The Origins of the Blue-White Checkerboard in Carl Moll's Paintings.” Published 2009.

Michael Joseph Guzikow (1806-1837): Bibliography.” Expanded, compiled and annotated Janet I. Wasserman, 2007-2008. Published 2009.

Michael Joseph Guzikow (1806-1837): Iconography.” Published 2009.

Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy as ‘Peter Meffert of Buxtehude’.” Published 2009. Accessioned by the Leipzig City Library for its Mendelssohn Collection.


“Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy & Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel: Portrait Iconographies,” Music in Art [Research Center for Music Iconography CUNY], XXXIII/1-2 (2008), 317-371. Accessioned as a reference work at the Morgan Library, New York.

"Karoline Eberstaller: Is She the Real Link Between Franz Schubert and Anton Bruckner?,” University of Minnesota Center for Austrian Studies, Working Paper 04-1, February 2004.

"A Schubert Iconography: Painters, Sculptors, Lithographers, Illustrators, Silhouettists, Engravers, and Others Known or Said to Have Produced a Likeness of Franz Schubert," in Music in Art; International Journal for Music Iconography, [City University of New York, Research Center for Music Iconography], XXVIII, 1-2, 2003, 199-241. Accessioned as a reference work at the Morgan Library, New York.

"The Infography about Schubert, Franz (1797-1828)." Published 2003 at

"Schubert's Winterreise on the Trombone," The Schubertian [SIUK], No. 36, July 2002. [Review of CD by Austrian trombonist Bertl Mütter.]

"The Faust Legend in Music: Part A-K." Revised and updated from 2001; republished 2008.

"The Faust Legend in Music: Part L-Z." Revised and updated from 2001; republished 2008.

"Schubert Filmography." Published online 2002; updated 2003 by The Schubert Institute [United Kingdom/SIUK].

"Schubert at the Movies," The Schubertian [SIUK], October 2001, 14-17. [Companion essay to online filmography]

"Franz Schubert as Painted by Gustav Klimt and Julius Schmid," The Schubertian [SIUK], July 2001, 14-20.

"Alexander (von) Zemlinsky Timeline." Republished online 2008. [See link at The Orel Foundation.]

"Bist du bei mir, or, Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel Composed It, Johann Sebastian Bach Used It (in the Clavier Büchlein für Anna Magdalena Bach, 1722 and 1725) and Anyone Can Find It as BWV 508." Published 2008.

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